Why Atlanta for 2024?

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Atlanta, Georgia has been designated as the location for our 32nd Biennial Sherard Family Reunion! The committee has put together this short article to list the major factors that were taken into consideration for selecting Atlanta.

  • Atlanta was the last location chosen by the family by vote during the business meeting at our last in person Reunion in 2018.
  • Our major goal is to attract young families that increase the vitality of the Reunion and ensure its legacy continues. We believe Atlanta offers the best attractions for all generations, and is has deep historical and cultural value.
  • In the interest of health and safety as we continue to live with COVID, we needed to choose a city where the tourism department is truly on top of its game. This includes adequate cleaning staff and other systems in place to protect all family members, young and old.
  • Hotel negotiations are always at the center of the planning process, and Atlanta offers a wealth of options so we can find the best deal for the right hotel.

We hope this provides some insight into the committee’s thinking process as we move forward with planning the Atlanta Reunion.

As always, should you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to contact us via email at sherardfamily@gmail.com or by using our contact form.