Halloween Watch Party

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We’re hosting our first official Watch Party event on Halloween!

We scoured the internet and were actually able to find TWO 😵 horror movies streaming on Netflix that feature storylines about and casts full of Black people! We feel like we just need to celebrate the fact that they exist first of all.  🙌🏾

Here’s the plan:

  1. Prepare yourself by following the instructions for the Teleparty browser extension. It will take you less than 2 minutes, we promise. Even if you’re not techie.
  2. At 7pm, you’ll join the Zoom (link should be in your email).
  3. We’ll watch the two trailers, then take a vote on which movie to watch
  4. The Teleparty link will be shared in Zoom, everyone will get connected, and we’ll start watching around 7:10-7:15 (don’t be late!)

Check out the Trailers